大奶人体艺术 对于欧盟拟对来自中国生物柴油征收临时反推销税的声明









The English Version(In the event of any inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail): Statement on the European Union's Intention to Impose Provisional Anti-Dumping Duties on Biodiesel from China Recently, the European Union announced that it would impose provisional anti-dumping duties ranging from 12.8% to 36.4% on biodiesel imported from China within four weeks. This will significantly jeopardize the normal trade exchanges between China and Europe in relation to biodiesel, and it is a reckless move that will do harm to both sides.

The European Union is a pioneer and global leader in green and low-carbon development, and an active advocate and promoter of the global response to climate change. China exports more than 4 million tons of biofuels (including waste oils and fats) to the EU annually, contributing greatly to the decarbonization of the EU's transport sector, especially at the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, when the effective supply of Chinese biofuels greatly eased the EU's shortage of transpot fuels. Currently, it is not acceptable for the EU to resort to trade protectionism to strike against Chinese biodiesel enterprises simply because the short-term costs of Chinese biofuels production is lower than those of EU local enterprises. This abuse of trade remedies measures will not only fail to promote the decarbonization of the transport sector in EU countries, but will also seriously impede the development of the green fuel (feedstock) industry in various countries and the global green trade, thus affecting the global decarbonization process.

We strongly call on the EU to withdraw as soon as possible this unreasonable trade remedy initiative, which is detrimental to the interests of all parties, and to join hands with each other on common issues related to the futher survival and development of mankind. On the issue of economic and trade friction, the two sides should properly resolve their mutual interests, differences, and concerns through dialogue and consultation. At the same time, in order to promote the healthy and sustainable development of global biodiesel industry, we association suggest that the Chinese government further optimize and improve the relevant industrial policies related to biodiesel, and build a new development pattern of biodiesel with the domestic macrocycle as the main body, and the domestic and international double-cycle promoting each other.

Hereby declare

Biomass Energy Industry Promotion Association

August 3大奶人体艺术, 2024



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